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Forged Steel Rolls
        About GB ROLL  
Jiangsu Gangbao Roll Co.,Ltd. is located in Changshu, an international garden city of Jiangsu province.

The city enjoys convenient transportation of seaport along the Yangtse River and international airports of Hongqiao and Pudong in Shanghai, Shuofang in Wuxi. It is within easy reach to Shanghai, Wuxi and Suzhou by express highways and railways. It is an ideal place for working, living and sightseeing.




Add:No.60 Liantang Avenue,Shanghu Town,



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SMS,客户案例 BRC,客户案例 龙腾特钢,客户案例 中天钢铁,客户案例 DANIELI,客户案例 宝钢,客户案例

Address:No.60 Liantang Avenue,Shanghu Town, Changshu,Jiangsu,215551,P.R.China  

Tel(sales) : +86 512 52422960  Fax(sales) : +86 512 52429071    E-mail:sale@gbroll.cn

© copyright:JiangSu GangBao Roll Co.,Ltd Sue ICP 14056992